Rackspace Cloud Driveclient not working

First of all, checks the logs: /var/log/driveclient.log

You might find 403 errors and lines that are showing that the agent can’t connect properly.

In this case, the first step is trying to re-register the backup agent:
3) Maybe the customer has changed the API key so try re-register the backup agent:

# /usr/local/bin/driveclient --configure
WARNING: Agent already configured. Overwrite? [Y/n]: Y
Username: My_Username
Password: My_APIKey

Desired Output:

Registration successful!
Bootstrap created at: /etc/driveclient/bootstrap.json

In case you get something like “ERROR: Registration failed: Could not authenticate user. Identity returned 401“, this means that you probably need to force a bit the registration, using the following command:

# driveclient -u USER_NAME -k API_KEY -t LON -l raxcloudserver -a lon.backup.api.rackspacecloud.com -c