Tag Archives: nova-agent

Force reset/repush network configuration Rackspace Cloud server

Run the following command on the Cloud server (this works only on Linux servers):

UUID=`uuidgen`; xenstore-write data/host/$UUID '{"name":"resetnetwork","value":""}'; sleep 10; xenstore-read data/guest/$UUID; unset UUID

If completed successfully it will return something like this:

{"message": "", "returncode": "0"}


Rackspace – Reinstall Nova-Agent

apt-get purge nova-client
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Used this script to re-install nova-agent: https://github.com/rackerlabs/openstack-guest-agents-unix/blob/master/tools/nova-agent-builder.sh

>> extract the tar and ./install.sh

sed '1i### BEGIN INIT INFO\n# Provides: Nova-Agent\n# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog\n# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\n# Default-Stop: 0 1 6\n# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time\n# Description: Enable service provided by daemon.\n### END INIT INFO\n' /usr/share/nova-agent/1.39.1/etc/generic/nova-agent > /usr/share/nova-agent/1.39.1/etc/generic/nova-agent.lsb

cp /usr/share/nova-agent/1.39.1/etc/generic/nova-agent.lsb /etc/init.d/nova-agent

chmod +x /etc/init.d/nova-agent

service xe-linux-distribution stop
service xe-linux-distribution start
service nova-agent start

# ps aux | grep nova
root      7874  0.0  0.7 143984  7464 ?        Ssl  09:02   0:00 /usr/sbin/nova-agent -q -p /var/run/nova-agent.pid -o /var/log/nova-agent.log -l debug /usr/share/nova-agent/nova-agent.py
root      7890  0.0  0.0  11980   928 pts/0    S+   09:03   0:00 grep --color=auto nova


Rackspace – Cloud server inaccessible after creation from custom image

It happens that sometimes a server built from a custom image is not accessible. Sometimes the reason is becase the Nova agent was not running (for various reasons) on the source server and the networking wasn’t set correctly during the building process. This means the new server still have the old IP and routes of the original, the one used to create the image itself.

How to fix it?
Connect on the console and make sure xe-linux-distribution (xe-daemon) and Nova Agent are restarted/up and running.

Important: Make sure xe-linux-distribution is started BEFORE Nova Agent is.

Once this has been done run the following command on the Cloud server to force the Hypervisor to re-push the right configuration (this works only on Linux servers):

UUID=`uuidgen`; xenstore-write data/host/$UUID '{"name":"resetnetwork","value":""}'; sleep 10; xenstore-read data/guest/$UUID; unset UUID

# If completed successfully it will return something like this:
{"message": "", "returncode": "0"}