Author Archives: thtieig

Grub console how to

I’m sure it happened to migrate a linux server, maybe in a slightly dirty way (rsync’ing) or had some issues with the boot loader.

And when you reach the point with this:

grub rescue>

…and you start to cry (or almost) 🙂

Well, here some steps that helped me to boot the server and restore grub.



 to see the list of available partitions. Find the one where you know (or think) the kernel is installed. In my case it was 


 , which is basically /dev/sda1

After that, use the following:

grub rescue > set root=(hd0,msdos1)
grub rescue > set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub
grub rescue > insmod normal
grub rescue > insmod linux
grub rescue > linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro
grub rescue > initrd /initrd.img
grub rescue > boot

With these commands, I have been able to boot into my OS.

After that, I re-installed grub:

grub-install /dev/sda

NOTE: UUID could be a cause of failed boot too.
Under Debian/Ubuntu there is a file 


 where you can disable the UUID format. This could generate some issues if you have swapped the disk so it might be good to check this config file and eventually enable 


 and re run the 


 . To remember as well, the UUID is set in 


 . You can replace that with /dev/sdXy accordingly as well.

I hope this will help someone else that, like me, got stuck in restoring a VM.



TOP – memory explanation

(just few notes – to avoid to forget)

  • VIRT: not really relevant nowadays. It’s the memory that the process could use. But the OS loads only what needed, so rarely really used. On 32bit OS, it could be the only time when you need to keep an eye as the OS can allocate up to 2-3GB only.
  • RES: Resident Set Size memory – this is the actual memory in RAM. On low used machines, it might still show high usage even if not utilised as the process to free-up the memory costs more than leaving it. In fact, Linux OS tends to use as much memory available (“unused memory is wasted memory“).
  • SH: this is the shared memory which generally contains libraries etc

Kernel space – User space – Containers – Virtualisation

How many times I’ve heard “well, a container is like a super light-weight virtual machine“. And yes, true, I admit as well, that I was one of them.

But I wasn’t happy about this answer, so I did some researches and I think now I have a better understanding and I feel the pain of my friends where I was simplistically (and wrongly) saying that – public apologies 😛 🙂


So… let’s start…


Concept 1: Virtual memory.

Virtual memory is the collective memory used by processes (RAM, disk swap, etc).

Of this virtual memory, we have generally a separation beween 2 types:

  • kernel space: reserverd for the kernel and generally drivers
  • user space: for the applications, incluse libraries

This separation serves to provide memory protection and hardware protection from malicious or errant software behavior.

NOTE1: User space is not namespace.


NOTE2: FUSE is not really related with this topic, but could confuse someone. So, just to clarify: FUSE – (Filesystem in Userspace) is a software interface for Unix-like computer operating systems that lets non-privileged users create their own file systems without editing kernel code. This is achieved by running file system code in user space while the FUSE module provides only a “bridge” to the actual kernel interfaces.

Modern kernels have cgroups and namespace capabilities.

  • Cgroups can restrict what you can USE -> CPU, memory, storage, network, devices, etc. Also allows to ‘freeze’.
  • Namespace can restrict what you SEE -> PID, mnt, UID/GID, etc…

Containers runtimes (like LXC, Docker, etc…) are using cgroups and namespaces to create separate isolated user-space entities called ‘containers‘.
Containers have basically no overhead because they are using the same system calls to the host kernel => No need of emuation or virtual machine.

They use the same kernel of the host (this is a key difference with virtualisation). So, currently, you cannot run Windows containers on a Linux host. But you can still run different versions of Linux, as they all share the same kernel.

Virtualisation: fully isolated OS, running its own kernel.

  • Full virtualised: (eg. VMWare, Virtuabox, ESXi…). The OS in the VM is not aware to be a VM. Hypervisor emulates the hardware platform for the guest OS and then translates the hardware accesses requests to the physical hardware. Hypervisor provides the drivers to the guest OS.
    => higher overhead because hardware virtualisation BUT best isolation and security
  • Para virtualised: (XEN, KVM) the OS in the VM knows to be virtualised. Drivers are sending instructions directly to the hardware of the host, via the Hypervisor. Hardware is not virtualised BUT the OS runs in isolation.
    => better performance and ability to use recent hardware drivers directly BUT guest OS needs to be modified to use paravirtualised devices

NOTE: Emulation is not platform virtualisation (e.g. QEMU)
With emulation you can emulate different architectures (e.g. ARM/RISC…) on a host that has a differnt instruction set (eg. i386). Performances are cleary not ideal.

Main sources:

Docker and Kubernetes notes

[Raw notes from this free course:–ud615 ]

Docker is one of the most famous container in use nowadays.

Docker container features/best practise:

  • is portable because you keep all what you need for your application in it (libraries etc) – always run the same, regardless of the environment;
  • reduce conflicts between teams running different software on the same infrastructure;
  • minimal: best practise is to keep as minimal as possible its content;
  • you can ‘freeze’ it and move to another host, if required (using the cgroup capability);
  • no hard coded values in it: variable passed during the deploy or pulled from a file mounted externally;
  • you can mount external storage;
  • you can expose a port -> for example you can have a web app listening on port 80. You can expose port 80 of your container so when you connect to the host’s port 80, traffic will be redirected to the container. This “port forwarding” is the container runtime’s job;
  • ‘Dockerfile’ is the configuration file for the container. You can speficy the image that you want to use (FROM …), which port to expose, the storage to mount etc;


docker images -> shows current images downloaded

docker pull <image_name:version>

docker run -d <image_name:version>

docker ps

docker inspect <id>

docker stop <id>

docker rm <id>


FROM -> which base image => alpine (small/package manager)
ADD take file/dir and put into the container
ENTRYPOINT what to run when you start the container


Push container to repository
Dockerhub -> default public (you can also have private)

docker tag -h
Add tag – then login and push


Create/Package container (5% of the work)

  • App configuration
  • Service Discovery
  • Managing Updates
  • Monitoring

Kubernetes -> Cluster like single machine
You need to describe the apps and how they interact between each others

– collection of containers (possible multiple apps on different containers)
– shares network namespace (IP)
– shares storage volumes

=> created with conf files

Rediness -> container ready
Liveness -> app not working / restart app

Services -> labels

Desidered state

Scaling -> increase “replicas”

Rolling updates – CTO roll => deploy new version, get traffic, stop traffic prev version, remove prev verision (this per each POD)

Tips for RHCSA certification

Just a collection of notes and screenshot that can help in getting ready for the RHCSA exam.
Basted on RHEL 7.


Boot systems into different targets manually


 Configure networking and hostname resolution statically or dynamically


Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system


Mount and unmount CIFS network file systems


Configure a system to use time services


timedatectl list timezones
timedatectl set-timezone America/Phoenix

timedatectl set-time 9:00:00
timedatectl set-ntp true/false


Bridge / Bond interfaces CentOS/RedHat

Just few notes about how to bridge or bond network interfaces in CentOS/RedHat systems

# Install the required packages

yum install bridge-utils





service network restart 

BOND >>> 2 or more eth interfaces!



BONDING_OPTS='mode=1 miimon=100'


# ifup bond0
# service network restart 


For DHCP and not static




Systemd – find what’s wrong with systemctl

True: all the last changes in Linux distro didn’t make me really really happy.
I still like to use init.d to start a process (it took me a while to get used to service yourservice status syntax) and so.

Anyway, the main big ones don’t seem to look back, and we need to get used to this 🙂

I have few raspberry PIs at home, and I’ve noticed that after a restart I was experiencing different weird behaviours. The main two:

  • stuck and not rebooting
  • receiving strange logrotate email alerts (e.g. /etc/cron.daily/logrotate:
    gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping)

I tried to ignore them, but when you issue a reboot from a remote place and it doesn’t reboot, you understand that you should start to check what’s going on, instead of just unplug-replug your PI.


And here the discovery: systemctl

This magic command was able to show me the processes with issues, and slowly find out what was wrong with logrotate or my reboot. Or, better, I have realised that after fixing what was marked as failed, I didn’t experience any weird behaviors.

So, here few steps that I’d like to share – to help maybe someone else in the future, myself included – as I tend to forget things if I don’t use them 🙂

To check if your system is healthy or not:

systemctl status

Output should return “running”. If you get “degraded”, well, there is definitely something wrong.

Use the following to check what has failed:

systemctl --failed

Now, investigate those specific processes. Try to analyse their status and logs or literally try to restart them to see live what is the error:

systemctl status <broken_service>

journalctl _PID=<PID_of_broken_service>

tail /var/log/<broken_service>

systemctl restart <broken_service>


After fixing all, I tried to reboot few times and after I was checking again the overall status to make sure it was “running”.

In my case, I had few issues with “systemd-modules-load.service”. This probably related to my dist-upgrade. Some old and no longer existing modules were still listed in /etc/modules and, of course, the service wasn’t able to load them, miserably failing.
I’ve tested each module using modprobe <module_name> and I’ve commented out the ones where failing. Restarted and voila`, status… running!

On another PI I had some issues with Apache, but I can’t remember how I fixed it. Still, the goal of this post is mostly make everyone aware that systemctl can give you some interesting info about the system and you can focus your energies on the failed services.

I admit in totally honesty that I have no much clue why after fixing these failed services, all issues disappeared. In fact, the reboot wasn’t affecting one PI with the same non-existing modules listed, but it was stopping another one during the boot. Again, I could probably troubleshoot further but I have a life to live as well 🙂



OVH API notes


Create App:

Python wrapper project:

Web API control panel:

# Where to find the ID of your application created from the portal


# If you use the python script to get the customer_key
# You can find the ID here, filtering by application ID


# Here you can find your serviceName (project ID)
# - I got mad to understand what it was before!



Example of ovh.conf file



;consumer_key needs to be uncommented once you have got it



Custom python script to allow access only to a specific project under my Cloud OVH account

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import ovh

# create a client using configuration
client = ovh.Client()

# Request full access to /cloud/project/<PROJECT_ID>/
ck = client.new_consumer_key_request()
ck.add_recursive_rules(ovh.API_READ_WRITE, '/cloud/project/<PROJECT_ID>/')

## Request full access to ALL
#ck = client.new_consumer_key_request()
# ck.add_recursive_rules(ovh.API_READ_WRITE, '/')

# Request token
validation = ck.request()

print "Please visit %s to authenticate" % validation['validationUrl']
raw_input("and press Enter to continue...")

# Print customerKey
print "Btw, your 'consumerKey' is '%s'" % validation['consumerKey']


How to create a script

  1. Create the app from the link above
  2. Get the keys and store them safely
  3. Install the OVH python wrapper
  4. Create ovh.conf file and use the keys from your app
  5. Use the python example (or mine) to get the customerKey
  6. Update ovh.conf with the customKey
  7. Create your script and have fun! 🙂

Script example to get a list of snapshots:

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import ovh


# Auth
client = ovh.Client()

result = client.get("/cloud/project/%s/snapshot" % serviceName,
    region="%s" % region,

# Pretty print
print json.dumps(result, indent=4)


Email notification for successful SSH connection

If you manage a remote server, and you are a bit paranoiac about the bad guys outside, it could be nice to have some sort of notification every time a SSH connection is successful.

I found this post and it seems working pretty well for me as well.
I’ve installed this on my CentOS7 server and seems working good! Of course, this in addition to an aggressive Fail2Ban setup.

  1. Make sure you have your MTA (Postfix/Sendmail…) configured to deliver emails to the user root
  2. Make sure you get the emails for the user root (otherwise doesn’t make any sense 😛 )
  3. Create this script (this is a slightly modified version comparing with the one in the original post:
    if [ "$PAM_TYPE" != "open_session" ]
      exit 0
        echo "User: $PAM_USER"
        echo "Remote Host: $PAM_RHOST"
        echo "Service: $PAM_SERVICE"
        echo "TTY: $PAM_TTY"
        echo "Date: `date`"
        echo "Server: `uname -a`"
      } | mail -s "$PAM_SERVICE login on `hostname -s` from user $PAM_USER@$PAM_RHOST" root
    exit 0
  4. Set the permission:
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
  5. Append this line to /etc/pam.d/sshd
    session optional /usr/local/bin/
  6.  …and that’s it! 😉


If you’d like to have a specific domain/IP whitelisted, for example if you don’t want to get notified when you connect from your office or your home (fixed IP or dynamic IP is required), you can use this version of the script:

if [ "$PAM_TYPE" != "open_session" ]; then
  exit 0
  MSG="$PAM_SERVICE login on `hostname -s` from user $PAM_USER@$PAM_RHOST"
  # check if the PAM_RHOST is shown as IP
  echo "$PAM_RHOST" | grep -q -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    SRCIP=$(dig +short $PAM_RHOST)
  SAFEIP=$(dig +short
  if [ "$SRCIP" == "$SAFEIP" ]; then
    echo "Authorised $MSG" | logger
    echo "User: $PAM_USER"
    echo "Remote Host: $PAM_RHOST"
    echo "Service: $PAM_SERVICE"
    echo "TTY: $PAM_TTY"
    echo "Date: `date`"
    echo "Server: `uname -a`"
  } | mail -s "Unexpected $MSG" root
exit 0

The script will send an email ONLY if the source IP is not the one from; however, it will log the authentication in /var/log/messages using logger command.

Chef – notes

Learning site:

As any other Configuration Manager tools, the main goal is automate and keep consistency in the infrastructure:

  • create files if missing
  • ignore file/task if already up to date
  • replace with original version if modified

Typically, Chef is comprised of three parts:

  1. your workstation – where you create your recipes/cookbooks
  2. a Chef server – The guy who host the active version of recipes/cookbooks (central repository) and manage the nodes
  3. nodes – machines managed by Chef server. FYI, any nodes has Chef client installed.

picture source

Generally, you deploy your cookbooks on your workstation and push them onto the Chef Server. The node(s) communicate with the Chef Server via chef-client and pulls and execute the cookbook.

There is no communication between the workstation and the node EXCEPT for the first initial bootstrap task. This is the only time when the workstation connects directly to the node and provides the details required to communicate with the Chef Server (Chef Server’s URL, validation Key). It also installs chef on the node and runs chef-client for the first time. During this time, the nodes gets registered on the Chef Sever and receive a unique client.pem key, that will be used by chef-client to authenticate afterwards.
The information gets stored in a Postgress DB, and there is some indexing happening as well in Apache Solr (Elastic Search in a Chef Server cluster environment).

Further explanation here:

Some terms:

  • resource: part of the system in a desiderable state (e.g. package installed, file created…);
  • recipe: it contains declaration of resources, basically, the things to do;
  • cookbook: is a collection of recipes, templates, attributes, etc… basically The final collection of all.

Important to remember:

  • there are default actions. If not specified, the default action applies (e.g. :create for a file),
  • in the recipe you define WHAT but not HOW. The “how” is managed by Chef itself,
  • the order is important! For example, make sure to define the install of a package BEFORE setting a state enable. ONLY attributes can be listed without order.


Test images: and
=> you can get these boxes using Vagrant

Example, how to get CentOS7 for Virtualbox and start it/connect/remove:

vagrant box add bento/centos-7.2 --provider=virtualbox

vagrant init bento/centos-7.2

vagrant up

vagrant ssh

vagrant destroy


Software links and info:

Chef DK: it provides tools (chef, knife, berks…) to manage your servers remotely from your workstation.
Download link here.

To communicate with the Chef Server, your workstation needs to have .chef/knife.rb file configured as well:

# See for more information on knife configuration options

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level                :info
log_location             STDOUT
node_name                "admin"
client_key               "#{current_dir}/admin.pem"
chef_server_url          "https://chef-server.test/organizations/myorg123"
cookbook_path            ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]

Make sure to also have admin.pem (the RSA key) in the same .chef directory.

To fetch and verify the SSL certificate from the Chef server:

knife ssl fetch

knife ssl check


Chef DK also provides tools to allow you to configure a machine directly, but it is just for testing purposes. Syntax example:

chef-client --local-mode myrecipe.rb



Chef ServerDownload here.
To remember, Chef Server needs RSA keys (command line switch –filename) to communicate. We have user’s key, organisation key (chef-validator key).
There are different type of installation. Here you can find more information. And here more detail about the new HA version.

Chef Server can have a web interface, if you also install the Chef Management Console:

# chef-server-ctl install chef-manage


Alternatively you can use Hosted Chef service.

Chef Client:
(From official docs) The chef-client accesses the Chef server from the node on which it’s installed to get configuration data, performs searches of historical chef-client run data, and then pulls down the necessary configuration data. After the chef-client run is finished, the chef-client uploads updated run data to the Chef server.


Handy commands:

# Create a cookbook (structure) called chef_test01, into cookbooks dir
chef generate cookbook cookbooks/chef_test01

# Create a template for file "index.html" 
# this will generate a file "index.html.erb" under "cookbooks/templates" folder
chef generate template cookbooks/chef_test01 index.html

# Run a specific recipe web.rb of a cookbook, locally
# --runlist + --local-mode
chef-client --local-mode --runlist 'recipe[chef_test01::web]'

# Upload cookbook to Chef server
knife cookbook upload chef_test01

# Verify uploaded cookbooks (and versions)
knife cookbook list

# Bootstrap a node (to do ONCE)
# knife bootstrap ADDRESS --ssh-user USER --sudo --identity-file IDENTITY_FILE --node-name NODE_NAME
# Opt: --run-list 'recipe[RECIPE_NAME]'
knife bootstrap --ssh-port 22 --ssh-user user1 --sudo --identity-file /home/me/keys/user1_private_key --node-name node1
# Verify that the node has been added
knife node list
knife node show node1

# Run cookbook on one node
# (--attribute ipaddress is used if the node has no resolvable FQDN)
knife ssh 'name:node1' 'sudo chef-client' --ssh-user user1 --identity-file /home/me/keys/user1_private_key --attribute ipaddress

# Delete the data about your node from the Chef server
knife node delete node1
knife client delete node1

# Delete Cookbook on Chef Server (select which version)
# use  --all --yes if you want remove everything
knife cookbook delete chef_test01

# Delete a role
knife role delete web


Practical examples:

Create file/directory

directory '/my/path'

file '/my/path/myfile' do
  content 'Content to insert in myfile'
  owner 'user1'
  group 'user1'
  mode '0644'

Package management

package 'httpd'

service 'httpd' do
  action [:enable, :start]

Use of template

template '/var/www/html/index.html' do
  source 'index.html.erb'

Use variables in the template

    <h1>hello from <%= node['fqdn'] %></h1>


General notes

Chef Supermarket

link here – Community cookbook repository.
Best way to get a cookbook from Chef Supermarket is using Berkshelf command (berks) as it resolves all the dependencies. knive supermarket does NOT resolve dependencies.

Add the cookbooks in Berksfile

source ''
cookbook 'chef-client'

And run

berks install

This will download the cookbooks and dependencies in ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks

Then to upload ALL to Chef Server, best way:

# Production
berks upload 

# Just to test (ignore SSL check)
berks upload --no-ssl-verify



Define a function of a node.
Stored as objects on the Chef server.
knife role create OR (better) knife role from file <role/myrole.json>. Using JSON is recommended as it can be version controlled.

Examples of web.json role:

   "name": "web",
   "description": "Role for Web Server",
   "json_class": "Chef::Role",
   "override_attributes": {
   "chef_type": "role",
   "run_list": ["recipe[chef_test01::default]",
   "env_run_lists": {


# Push a role
knife role from file roles/web.json
knife role from file roles/db.json

# Check what's available
knife role list

# View the role pushed
knife role show web

# Assign a role to a specific node
knife node run_list set node1 "role[web]"
knife node run_list set node2 "role[db]"

# Verify
knife node show node1
knife node show node2

To apply the changes you need to run chef-client on the node.

You can also verify:

knife status 'role:web' --run-list



All the following is extracted from the official

Test Kitchen helps speed up the development process by applying your infrastructure code on test environments from your workstation, before you apply your work in production.

Test Kitchen runs your infrastructure code in an isolated environment that resembles your production environment. With Test Kitchen, you continue to write your Chef code from your workstation, but instead of uploading your code to the Chef server and applying it to a node, Test Kitchen applies your code to a temporary environment, such as a virtual machine on your workstation or a cloud or container instance.

When you use the chef generate cookbook command to create a cookbook, Chef creates a file named .kitchen.yml in the root directory of your cookbook. .kitchen.yml defines what’s needed to run Test Kitchen, including which virtualisation provider to use, how to run Chef, and what platforms to run your code on.

Kitchen steps:


Handy commands:

$ kitchen list
$ kitchen create
$ kitchen converge