#Infinality Fonts
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/no1wantdthisname/ppa/ubuntu saucy main
apt-get install fontconfig-infinality
cd /etc/fonts/infinality/
bash infctl.sh setstyle
chose 3 (i.e. linux).
In /etc/profile.d/infinality-settings.sh --> search for “USE_STYLE” or scroll (around line 710) till you see the option to set the style => USE_STYLE=”UBUNTU”
Settings -> Appearance.
Tick the checkbox to Enable anti-aliasing
Set Sub-pixel order to RGB
Set Hinting to Slight
Personally installed before also: cabextract fonts-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Other fonts:
1) Install pretty fonts (you'll need non-free for mscorefonts): apt-get install ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation ttf-mscorefonts-installer xfonts-terminus
2) dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config, select Autohinter, Automatic and No
3) dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
4) Restart Xorg
5) Gnome-specific (these are largely personal preferences): System -> Preferences -> Appearances -> Fonts: Enable 'Best Shapes', Details -> Dots per Inch: 110, Smoothing -> Grayscale
Source: http://linuxpanda.wordpress.com/2014/03/14/improve-ubuntu-like-font-rendering-in-debian-using-infinality-font/